Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Painted Leather Bag

Looking for a fun, easy, and therapeutic craft?  You've found it here!  I really enjoyed painting these triangles.  They are not perfect, and I like it that way.  First, I vigorously wiped the area where I was going to paint with a damp cloth to remove any old dirt.  I've read that some leather has a finish on it that can be removed with acetone, or alcohol.  I didn't seem to have a problem with the paint adhering to this leather.  To make sure my lines were somewhat even, I used blue painter's tape, which worked well and came off easily.  Then, simply paint away!  
I used water-based acrylic paint:
 I haven't painted the other side yet, but I'm thinking about doing a big letter L for Lori.  Or maybe I'll put a bird on it :)


  1. What type of paint was used?

    1. Oh my! I forgot to include that information. Thanks for reminding me:) I used water-based acrylic paint. I'll add a picture to this post.

  2. Really LOVED this repurposed briefcase. I reposted it on my blog, at Gave you a tag on it.
    Thanks for the DIY project. It's super useful and easy....

  3. That's great! I'll check out your blog. Thanks!


  4. Very good written information. It will be valuable to anybody who employess it, as well as yours truly :).
