Monday, January 16, 2012

DIY: Bobble Scarf

I LOVE this scarf!  It is so simple to make and can be worn in all seasons.  Wear it with a coat, sweater, t-shirt, or even a dress in the summer.  I got the idea from The Purl Bee.  There are many great projects on that blog, and I'll be making at least several more of them on my blog.  
What you will need:
*linen (58 x 20 inches)
*bobbles (3 yards)
*thread to match your linen

Step 1: Snip a little hole as seen below, and pull a fiber to reveal the straight line of the weave.  If the fiber breaks, pull another one. 
 You will end up with something like this.  Cut along this line.  You will need to do this on one edge of the fabric, and then 20 inches down from there.  Then you will have your 20 x 58 inch piece ready to go. 
 Step 2:  Fold approximately one inch along each 58-inch side and press.  You are folding towards the wrong side of the linen. 
 Step 3:  Fold over one more time and press.
 Step 4:  Fold back in the other direction to create a little area for your bobbles to go.  Press.
 Step 5:  Pin the bobble ribbon into the fold.
 Step 6:  Using a zipper foot, sew right along the edge closest to the bobbles.
 Step 7:  Now sew down the opposite side:
 Note:  This happened while I was pressing my folds.  Oh well!  I just chopped it off and all was fine.
 Step 8:  After sewing the bobbles onto both 58-inch sides, fold the scarf in half with right sides together.  Line up the selvedge edge and sew across.  
 Step 9:  Press the seam open and sew down each side to tack down the selvedge.  
Below is the first bobble scarf I made.  The bobbles are smaller on this scarf.  I like the bigger bobbles and the smaller bobbles equally!  Next time I want to try to use a linen that is more sheer.


  1. I love this. Purl Bee is one of my faves and so are you! Thanks for sharing! I had to share it on my blog today. :)

    1. That's so cool! Thanks! I'm glad you are sharing it on your blog. I'll check it out.

  2. do you sell these? If so, let me know!, luv the red bobbles! - came by way of Pinterest :)

  3. These are really cute! I love that you could use recycled fabric to make this. It's very kind & generous that you pass this along to the public!! A good person! xx

  4. I found your site via browsing around on Craftgawker. Thanks for the lovely, useful and cleverly simple idea and bless your heart for the very clear instructions. I have modest sewing skills, but have inherited two sewing machines plus lots of fabric and trims. I can't wait to try this with some of the stash.

  5. I like your technique to sew on the trim, very clever!

  6. Thanks for sharing! Do you know the size of the smaller(grey) pom poms please?

  7. I must say you have written a great article. A must read post

  8. Great post here with all of the valuable information you have.
