Thursday, May 17, 2012

DIY: Magazine Bowl

I made this bowl a couple of years ago while Daniel and I were visiting his parents in Michigan.  It is made from magazine pages that I picked specifically for their bright colors.  I've seen this project on various blogs here and there, but I think Cindy brought it to my attention way back when.  We had quite a few lovely crafting days at her house.
1. Cut magazine pages into strips.  I think mine were about 2.5 inches thick.
2. Fold each strip in half the long way to crease a line in the center, then unfold.
3.  Fold up each edge to meet the center crease.
 4.  Now refold down the center crease. 
 5.  To make the bowl you will start in the center of the base by coiling the paper as tightly as possible.  Add dabs of glue along the way to secure.  Add the next strip by butting it up right where you left off with the previous strip.  When your base is as big as you want it to be, start spiraling up with your strips gradually.  
When my bowl was finished and the glue was dry, I sprayed it with shellac to make it shiny.  
 Great for storing hair thingies in the bathroom.


  1. Anna Maria QuaglieroMay 17, 2012 at 4:18 PM


  2. I have to try this!!!

  3. Thanks for share. I am going right to my magazine stash and start up one! Have a nice weekend!

  4. What a lovely idea! I love to re-cycle stuff and will certainly try this one with all my old magazines!!

  5. Great idea! I'm going to try it. I found it on pinterest!

  6. this is certainly not the easiest craft in the book...... really neat, but much more daunting than it appears...

  7. I tried this project and it turned out great! Such a cool result for such a simple craft.

  8. This sounds great! What would be the best glue to use that would set up the quickest. And are you using something like maybe clothes pins to hold it together until it dries??

  9. Who is Secrest? I am new to this blog or whatever it is and I looked at a bunch of pages; "me and my sweetie" said one picture caption; another one called "sweetie" Daniel. Many notes on the pages appeared to be signed by "Lori", but I couldn't find anything in "About Me" that actually had any biographical details. I gather the author lives in or near Seattle. The couple is probably Lori and Daniel, but I could be wrong. I have no idea whether super glue is what the author actually used because I don't know if she's Secrest.

    1. This is Lori, and this is my blog. Sorry for the confusion! I should probably add some details to my "about me" page. :)

      The glue I used for this project was good old Elmer's Glue. I didn't need to use any clothes pins or anything to secure it while drying. It all just seemed to work. I did the glueing over several days. I would work on it for a while, and then let it dry. Tacky Glue might be a good option as well. I would not recommend super glue because it would dry to quickly.

    2. Im going to try this with modge podge. It works great. When I make paper beads I use it and it doesnt take too long to dry. When the beads dried they felt like wood

  10. Just to clarify for myself - you keep adding strips to make one continuous strip for the entire bowl? When the bottom is as large as you would like it, then you still continue to keep it one long strip, but start moving up at an angle to make a row and keep moving up at a gradual angle? How did you make the top to look like a bowl with a brim? It looks wider to me. Thanks for any answers Lori - Linda

    1. Linda, That is exactly right. The top does appear to be wider, but is actually the same width as all of the other strips.

    2. Thanks Lori - I have TONS of magazines so now I know what to do with some of them. :)

  11. that's gorgeous! it must have taken a long time to make. thanks for sharing the tutorial! :) lisa

  12. i see where you made strips. but in one picture you have it rolled. so do you do one rolled for the bottom? not quit sure how it gos please help.

  13. great idea may make some for next art fair. Thank you

  14. Great! I hope they turn out well for you!

  15. Hi. They look great. What a good way to recyle magazines. I'm going to fave a go and will share with the craft group I go to.
    Thank you
    Sue X

  16. Wow from the 1st photo it look as if it is handpainted. Amazing tutorial.

  17. Will have to do this one- great container for Christmas cookies and candy!

  18. Great Idea. Thank you.

  19. This is wild!
    Who doesn't have a stash of magazines to play with, neato!

  20. Love this! I made one once but didn't use any glue or shellac & it collapsed easily! xo caroline @ c.w.frosting

  21. Sorry, I don't understand how the strips connect to each other. Do they overlap? Can you help?

  22. To my understanding..the strips 'connect' by starting one right where the last one ends or leaves off, therefore connecting them.hope that helps. The bowl is beautiful, I'm definitely going to try this :) Thx!

  23. What an amazing idea!!!

  24. Lovely magazine bowl DIY project. Thanks for sharing.
